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Little Lettering Delights Kids CD
  1. Welcome
  2. Creative Corner
  3. Little LD Kids CD Now Available!
  4. New Alphabets and Fonts



There is a great deal currently available at LetteringDelights.com that I want to be sure you all know about - - Buy 1 Get 1 Free CDs! When you purchase a Lettering Delights, Jillustration or Typing Delights CD, you can choose one of equal or lesser value FREE. Many of you have taken advantage of this offer but for those who have not, you have just a few more days. When the ghosts and goblins come out on Halloween, this opportunity will disappear! Remember, it’s not too early to starting thinking about the holidays and Lettering Delights packages make great gifts.

And for Journaling Delights fans, we’ve been working on an alphabet bundle you will want to have. We’ve taken a look at our top ten selling Journaling Delights and our artists have created new alphabets to match. The Journaling Delights Alphabet Bundle #1 is available now!

Michelle Howe

Michelle Howe

P.S. Share LetteringDelights.com with your friends and you'll both receive a special think you - a coupon code good for $5 off a LetteringDelights.com purchase of $15 or more. As new newsletter subscribers, your friends will also receive seven fun and creative Lettering Delights fonts.

Remember that the LD fonts you install on your computer will work in your desktop publishing and word processing programs like Microsoft Word and Word Perfect. Look in the font list where you find all your other TrueType fonts such as Arial or Times New Roman. The font will begin with its brand name, such as LD or LDJ.

The uses for LD fonts are endless. Flyers, school projects, posters, bulletin boards, reports, dairies, newsletters, e-mail and anything else you can think of. Even if you are the only one who will ever look at the notes or see the shopping list, use an LD font just for fun. LD Fonts will even work in programs like Microsoft Excel so they are a great way to make charts and graphs a little more fun and interesting to look at.

Following are a few samples of some ways to use your LD fonts for ‘every-day’ projects:

Items used:
Font - LD Monster
Font - LD Tall Pen

Items used:
Font - LD Bookshelf
Font - LD Notepad (free with subscription to the newsletter)

New Alphabets and Fonts

The following alphabets and fonts are now available for individual purchase on LetteringDelights.com:

So come on over to Http://www.LetteringDelights.com and be sure to bring along a friend!


©1999 - 2004 Inspire Graphics, Inc.
PO Box 935
Pleasant Grove, UT 84062