Lettering Delights

If you own a cutting machine, MTC is the software program you need to unleash your creativity and transform your favorite Lettering Delights cut-it files into fabulous cut projects.

Easily cut anything you can imagine. Access and customize your cut files including your Lettering Delights Library. Get exclusive content like the free Create-A-Card set and shop LD for additional new cut-it sets directly from MTC. You can do so much with Make-The-Cut software and your cutting machine!

Make-The-Cut software works with most cutting machines (see list below). And get this, after you purchase the software for just $58.36, you'll never spend another dime because all updates are FREE!

Buy Make-The-Cut now or update your existing MTC software to access new Lettering Delights features by clicking here.

Once upon a time LetteringDelights use a program called "The Creative Companion" and the file format we used with it was sold as .exe files.;

Now we package our files in .zip files, as is the standard for most downloadable product on the web.   A .zip file is a commonly used file format that compresses files to make them easier to download. There are many programs available online that allow you to unzip/extract these files, some are trial based or require a purchase and others are free. Most every device comes with a free way to access your files that are "zipped". In Windows, right mouse click over the .zip file and you should have options to "extract" the file. On a Mac, doubleclick over the .zip file.Take care where you are extracting the file. As you "unzip" a file, you will be given an option of where you want to store it.  We suggest you keep all your LD product in one location on your computer.  If you save your .zip files to that location, when you unzip the files, the products will organize themselves by product name.

Once upon a time LetteringDelights use a program called "The Creative Companion" and the file format we used with it was sold as .exe files.

Creative Companion is old software that LD used to have so users could easily access their product. As time has gone on, we've found that much better software exists throughout the web for free that gives you much better options than the Creative Companion ever did. We suggest using anyone of these tools that are easily at your disposal throughout the web. LD does not endorse any of these products but you may want to try one of the following programs:


An alphabet is a full-color set of letters and is made up of individual image files. These image files can be imported, viewed, arranged, printed, and changed in a graphics editing software such as PhotoShop or word processing programs such as Word. You can download the .zip files of the alphabets which when unzipped will give you a folder with all of the individual graphics (see what that looks like here) or you can download individual words or sentences you make on the site with our online tool.  Learn how to use it here. We recommend using this feature as it is much easier to type words than to rearrange letters on a blank canvas.  

A cutting machine is a big purchase and can really enhance your ability to do crafts.  As it is such a big purchase, a lot of thought and research should go into it.  You should consider what materials you are looking to cut, how much room you can give the machine, if you intend to create your own artwork to cut, how capable you are at learning software, how much money you are willing to spend not only on the machine but the files for it, and of course if it does need to hook up to a computer, whether or not it is compatible with a PC or Mac.  There are many other considerations that we have not even begun to think about, so we encourage everyone to do the research themselves.  There are many talented crafters that share their ideas and knowledge on the web.  Check it out carefully.  

We've compiled a list of cutting machines and several variables that you may want to consider and emphasize that we create cutting files and do not have a suggestion of what machine is best for you.  We welcome any additional data that should be added to this table.  Please email us at support@inspiregraphics.com  if you see anything incorrect or that needs updating.

Once upon a time LetteringDelights use a program called "The Creative Companion" and the file format we used with it was sold as .exe files.

Now we package our files in .zip files, as is the standard for most downloadable product on the web.   A .zip file is a commonly used file format that compresses files to make them easier to download. There are many programs available online that allow you to unzip/extract these files, some are trial based or require a purchase and others are free. Most every device comes with a free way to access your files that are "zipped". In Windows, right mouse click over the .zip file and you should have options to "extract" the file. On a Mac, doubleclick over the .zip file.Take care where you are extracting the file. As you "unzip" a file, you will be given an option of where you want to store it.  We suggest you keep all your LD product in one location on your computer.  If you save your .zip files to that location, when you unzip the files, the products will organize themselves by product name.

You can weld any two shapes in MTC but the most common use for welding is to weld words.  No one wants to cut out and place every letter of a word and learning how to weld the individual letters makes it easy to avoid that.

Under the Cherry Tree has an excellent tutorial explaining how to weld and join:

The difference between fonts and alphabets can be explained by describing the difference in the type of each file. Fonts (.ttf or .otf) are the same type of font file that already exists on your computer such as Times New Roman, Arial, etc. These fonts will be available for use within any system program that supports them, such as Microsoft Word, desktop publishing programs, and others.

An alphabet is in full-color and is made up of individual image files (.png). These image files can be imported, viewed, printed, and changed in a graphics editing software such as PhotoShop. You can download the .zip files of the alphabets which when unzipped will give you a folder with all of the individual graphics.

The online alphabet tool has replaced the "Try Me Now" tool from the old LetteringDelights site.  It allows you to easily type with full-colored alphabets and save the image as one word or phrase to insert into a document or project. To access the online alphabet tool do the following:

OTF (Open Type Font) are cross-platform (Mac and PC) fonts. They typically have a smaller file size which allows for a quicker download. They support expanded characters which allows for alternate characters and ligatures.

TTF (True Type Font) are similar to OTF fonts but they require separate files for each instance of the font. For example, a separate .ttf file is needed for bold, italics, or bold italics.

For most intent and purposes, it will make little difference to use one or the other file type when downloading fonts from LD.

To use a file in Silhouette Studio you can either open, merge, or import to My Library.  Silhouette Studio will open the following files:

  • .gsd 
  • .studio - this is the native format for Silhouette Studio
  • .dxf - this is the file format LD packages with cut its and recommends
  • .svg - this format is only available to open when you upgrade to Designer Edition
  • .ttf and .otf - font files

In the past, LD offered bonus product exclusively available at checkout for a 50% discount.  We've discontinued that promotion and will work toward personalizing your shopping experience to help you find the products that interest you.  For now, we invite you to follow us on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook so you don't miss out on any upcoming promotions. 

Yes.  Your files need to be unzipped.

If you have Windows:  

  1. Save your zipped file to a standard location.  We recommend putting all your LD files in one location.  
  2. Right mouse click on the zipped file.
  3. Choose "Extract All".  You will see a folder appear within that directory you are currently.  The new folder will have the name of the product and as long as you unzip files in the same location, all the product types with the same name will appear in sub directories under that parent file.  For example, if you purchased "The Three Bears" Alphabet and "The Three Bears" Graphic Set, there would be only one folder named "The Three Bears".  Within that folder you would find sub directories named "Alphabet" and "Graphics Set"

The Conical Warp Tool in MTC is a great tool for anyone who wants to make cute cupcake, mug, or cup wrappers.  Besides making wrappers, the conical warp tool is perfect to help warp imagery or words so they can be curved around a round object perfectly.

To use the Conical Warp Tool to make a cupcake wrapper follow these directions:

  1. Start by importing .svg or image file that have enough width to wrap a cupcake.
  2. Select image
  3. Click on the Conical Warp Tool in the bottom menu (looks like an arch)
  4. If your imagery or file is very tall, chances are you will want to click "Trim Bottom Overhang".  The other default settings in the Conical Warp Tool are designed to fit a cupcake wrapper.  Keep as is.

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