Our new subscription model is up and running!
- Cuttable Subscription: Includes all simple shapes, cut its, cut tiles, print and cuts, thin fonts, sketches.
- Graphics Product Subscription: Includes all clipart, graphics, paper packs, printables, and anything under the Graphics category.
- Lettering Subscription: Includes all fonts, alphabets, and doodlebats.
- Combo Subscriptions: Includes all the above
Please note:
- Cuttable, Graphics, and Lettering Subscriptions are limited to 10 credits/day in product. Combo Subscription is limited to 15 credits/day in product. A credit is the equivalent of one (1) American dollar.
- Bundles and commercial product are excluded.
- Does not include some third party artist licensed content (Sheri McCulley, Nancy Kubo, Patricia Zapata excluded)
- No substitutions will be made if you download an item you already have.
- While you may use your credits to download freebies, when they appear on the site, we would suggest you "purchase" your freebies by going through the checkout process and paying $0. This saves your credits for other products.
- Once you initiate the process of using credits, the download window will last a period of 24 hours.
- Your downloads that you "purchase" via credits will only appear in your account for 24 hours.
- Unused credits do not roll over to the next day.
- You will always have the option of purchasing items instead.
- Sale pricing will not impact that product credits.
- Coupon codes and other sales will not apply to subscription products.
- The subscription allows you to bypass the checkout process. You will have access to the product on individual product pages.
Click here to see the Subscription Terms and Conditions.